Let stress naturally unwind


Find deep rest and unlock joy in life

What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is an easy mental technique which allows the body and mind to receive deep rest and release the accumulated stresses of daily life. Vedic Meditation is simple and effortless. We sit easily in a chair and use a personalized mantra to bring the mind to a place of deep quietness. ‘Fight or flight’ stress chemistry is replaced with ‘stay and play’ bliss chemistry in every cell of the body. Negative or repetitive thought patterns naturally subside. The body begins to heal itself. Through this practice you find a new ability to address the demands of work and home life adaptively, creatively and without strain. You open to new ways of being, being more like yourself, allowing you to become the best version of yourself.


  • “I am so thankful that I took meditation training from Betsy Turner a few months ago. I am still a novice at meditation, but already I feel less stress and more relaxed since I began meditation. I cherish the times each day when I set aside my usual routine and go deeply into a meditative state.”

    - Val, Retiree

  • “I have been practicing Vedic meditation since Betsy introduced me in the summer of 2022. Prior to that I had taken three years of mindfulness classes which was beneficial but I felt there was a missing puzzle piece in my life. In our daily lives we manage… cope the best we can with the skills we have been taught and learned during our lifetime but one essential key is balance. Without that, like the keel, reaching our destination can be much more difficult, especially in stormy weather. So Vedic meditation has helped me navigate through the rough waters and makes this life journey more gratifying, whole and enjoyable. And not only does it benefit our health and wellbeing, but it can also have a very positive effect on those around us, especially loved ones.”

    - Mark, Photographer

  • “There are plenty of things in life that prevent a sense of inner calm. I do a decent job of centering myself, but meditation took that to a whole new level. Betsy helps you build a powerful (easy) meditation practice into your life. The devotion she has to your success is so encouraging. And the benefits are immediate. I go about my day with a lightness that has transformed all of my interactions. Im so grateful to have taken her meditation course. It’s a practice I will carry with me for the rest of my life”

    – Jenna, Massage Therapist

  • “Betsy is a patient, wise, and caring person who is also an amazing teacher. She trains you in the practice of Vedic meditation (which she makes very easy) and follows up with you afterward. She isn't just your teacher for the training period, but builds a relationship with you and will provide ongoing support as you grow in your practice. I highly recommend learning meditation with Betsy!”

    -Christy, Professor

How Do I Learn?

  • Step 1: Free 45-Minute Intro Talk

    What makes Vedic Meditation different than other forms of meditation?

    What are the benefits?

    Learn how this simple yet transformative practice can revolutionize your life

  • Step 2: Take the 4-Day Live Course

    4-Day course with daily 60 to 90 minute meetings

    Personal instruction will teach you to meditate in an effortless natural way

    Receive a personalized mantra

    Feel confident in your meditation practice

  • Step 3: Lifetime of Support

    Have questions about your practice? Get them answered with a free check-in

    Free group meditations, a great way to keep your practice fresh

    Access a world-wide network of Vedic Mediation Teachers